In a sugar glider’s natural habitat, they get their nutrition from honeydew, pollen, nectar, and gums, and saps of trees. Sugar gliders also eat spiders and insects. These animals’ diets can vary from season to season, depending on whatever becomes easily available and abundant. Spring and summer seasons mean that insects comprise most of a sugar glider’s diet, while during the colder seasons, gum and tree sap would be on the menu.
If sugar gliders are kept as animal companions, then their diets would have ample protein sources like some vegetables and insects. Try not to feed them too much fruit as it could have a negative effect on the animal’s phosphorus to calcium ratio, and this is not healthy for your sugar glider.
You can also gut-load mealworms, crickets, and pinky mice to become protein sources for your sugar gliders. Wholesome premium-quality cat food can also be offered to these animals.
Your pet’s diet is one of the important concerns that you should discuss with your vet Seminole, FL during your pet’s wellness checks.