Eye injuries can be a common occurrence in many of our canine companions including the Papillon. Eye injuries; however, should always be taken seriously and attended to by a vet. Whether a little irritation or a large injury, always call your vet when it comes to your Papillon’s eye health. The eye can show signs of irritation due to an eyelash or some type of debris. Irritation and inflammation can also be caused by a scratch whether big or small. Signs that your Papillon may have scratched his eye include watery eyes, green or yellow eye discharge, squinting, excessive blinking, and an avoidance of bright lights. Always call your vet when dealing with a possible eye irritation or injury. A small irritation could lead to excessive damage to the eye if not treated by a professional. Ask your vet Middletown, DE about doing a “stain” to your Papillon’s eye to locate any debris or scratches. Read more here.