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Exercise Tips for Cats Like American Bobtails

Your American Bobtail or other breed feline need to move around and exercise on a regular basis as part of overall health and wellness. However, before you start exercising your cat, be sure to consult with your vet. Your vet will be able to help you choose the right exercise level for your bobtail as well as help you set an appropriate schedule. Cats are natural predators so you may want to choose exercises or activities that allow your bobtail to use his natural instincts to hunt. For instance, tie a toy mouse or bird to a string and drag it across the floor or dangle it in the air above your cat. Your cat will most likely take the bait and start pawing at the toy and even chasing it. In the wild, cats tend to spend about three to five minutes ‘playing’ with their prey. Learn more tips from your veterinary clinic Webster NY.

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