One great thing about Affens is their small size, which is great for apartment dwellers. Although they're generally happy indoors, Affens are considered moderately active, and for this reason, they also need exercise. Indoor activities with their toys or with their owners can already suffice a large portion of their exercise needs. But they still need a brisk walk done once or twice every day, not just for exercise but also to interact with people and dogs, too.
Affens are bold, courageous, and feisty, so it's best to train them with basic obedience. They tend to be independent and stubborn, so training them can be difficult. The key to that is their intelligence and eagerness to please their owners. But remember that Affens can get bored easily in longer training times, so shorter but frequent training with an experienced toy breed trainer is ideal.
If you have concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your veterinary hospital Marietta, GA.