It’s a good practice to check your cat’s ears and to have your vet check your cat’s ears. Keep the ears clean is part of your cat’s health and wellness. You can help your cat stay active and healthy by making sure her ears are void of wax, debris, and signs of infection on a weekly basis. If you’re not sure how to check your Persian cat’s ears contact your vet for assistance. In general, your cat’s outer ear should be clean and light pink. You can check your Persian’s outer ear by taking your cat to a quiet and well lit area void of other pets or distractions. Gently fold back your cat’s outer ear and look down into the ear canal. Your Persian cat’s ear should contain no debris, redness, discharge or odor of any kind. If it does, call your vet Raleigh, NC to schedule an exam to have your Persian’s ears checked thoroughly.
Set an appointment here: https://www.tuscanridgeah.com/