Dogs can get mites and they require veterinary care for treatment. What are mites? They are similar to ticks in that they are both small arthropods that belong to the same scientific family. A typical mite also known as the Cheyletiella mite is a highly contagious parasite that feeds on the layers of a dog’s skin. If your dog has mites you should check your other pets for mites as well as yourself and other family members. Mites are known to live off of other hosts and are transmittable to humans. If you are faced with an infestation of mites you should treat it similar to a flea infestation. Ask your vet for help choosing treatment products. You may want to ask for recommendations on treating your home, bedding, pet’s bedding, etc. In many cases the first round of treatment will extinguish the infestation. Learn more here from your vets Cameron Park, CA. Or set an appointment at this website Veterinary Healing Center of El Dorado Hills.