When you observe that your pet rabbit is limping, it might be suffering from a broken or fractured leg. Make sure that you don’t ignore your rabbit’s sudden limping because it might develop into a serious medical issue. Most commonly, rabbits fracture their legs if they jump from very high areas like from high areas or your arms. They may land overly hard on their legs, or they may land improperly which may result in breaking their leg. Fractures usually occur when rabbits are being handled by young children.
Furthermore, your pet rabbits may break their legs if they get stuck in between the cage bars or the furniture that is in their hutch. It happens when the bars are spaced unevenly. Leg fractures may occur due to hay hoppers, floor vents, and cage ramps. When they spend time outside of their cage, make sure that you make the immediate environment safe for your rabbits to navigate around.
Take your pet to an animal hospital Savannah, GA immediately if you suspect that your rabbit has a fracture or broken leg. Visit the website.