It sometimes gets frustrating trying to deal with finicky cats because even if you are already doing your best in finding and giving the best cat food out in the market, they just sniff them and taste a bit, then they just walk away. And this might increase their chances of having a nutritional deficiency.
And if this has been dragging on for days or more than a week, it is best to take them to the vet and have them checked for any possible health problems this might be causing them. If their vet does not see anything wrong with them medically, observe closely their environment.
If you own many cats, feed your finicky cat away from them because some cats can get stressed if they feel they need to compete against other cats for food, and sometimes, even their living area. A vet New Orleans, LA can prescribe food that is specially made to help increase their appetite. More information here: https://www.metairievets.com