Cats normally mark their favored places or objects to signal their ownership. These felines have several ways to “mark,” including releasing their scent through the scent glands on their paws, bunting or rubbing their cheeks, and urinating.
Among all these strategies, the last one can be more complicated, especially for indoor cats. Why? The obvious answer is that too much urination can harm you, your family, and your beautiful home. You must address the problem immediately so it will not worsen. Listed below are some guidelines you can consider:
● If the marking behavior is motivated by other felines living near your home, you must prevent those cats from getting near your home. What can you do? You may set booby traps for those cats. You may also cover the visual access of your cat to windows or doors so she will not see the outdoor cats. Odor neutralizers will also help to remove the spray or scent of the outdoor cats near your home.
● If the excessive marking behavior is caused by social encounters at home, you must identify the main problem. If you have to separate your cats from each other, do so.
If your pet’s spray marking behavior bothers you, it is a good idea to talk to your local veterinarianTemecula, CA about it.