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Do Pet Reptiles Need Water In Their Enclosure?


Having a supply of readily available clean water is essential in caring for a reptile. Below is some information on the use of water in reptile care.

  • Use a big shallow dish in providing water. Many reptiles require soaking to remove their skin. A shallow container prevents newborns and tortoises from drowning and enables reptiles to safely and quickly escape the water bowl.

  • Replace the water daily, and more frequently, there are feces in the container.

  • Wash water containers with mild soap and clean water every day and disinfect every week.

  • Some lizards do not sip water from bowls. Spray a mist over the leaves or the cage's edges to provide them with water.

  • Another method is to provide dripping water on the tank's leaves. You may do with a cup. Poke the bottom part to make a tiny hole with a pin. The hole size determines how quickly the cup empties. Put water in the cup halfway and set it on the cage's top lid, where drops will land on a leaf. Put another cup or dish beneath the leaf to capture extra water before soiling the cell. This method is less challenging to disinfect than dripper tubing.

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