There has been a lot of talk over whether cats could have mental illnesses or not. Should your cat’s behavior seem off, she might be feeling ill or she might have a critical issue with her nervous system. Brain damage from genetic mutations, seizure disorders, environmental toxins, infections, injury, and possibly also cognitive dysfunction with elderly cats can result in what is usually called “slowness.” In cases of infection or brain injury, if your cat still functions well, she should be okay. If the issue is not affecting your pet’s everyday functions, then you need not do anything about it. You can get a definite diagnosis so that you can take some measures to further prevent neurological damage and seizures.
Feline dementia or cognitive dysfunction usually happens in cats that are over nine years old. Should you be adopting an elderly cat and it seems like her personality is somewhat “off,” then she may be going senile. Cats that have dementia could also display uncoordinated behavior, be unnecessarily aggressive, and even be incontinent.
Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require an appointment with your vet hospital London, ON. Learn more here.