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Do Cats Need More Than One Litter Box ?

Wondering if your American Wirehair or other breed feline needs more than one litter box? Just ask your vet or local pet store associate what they recommend. In general, you should have at least one litter box per cat plus an extra litter box available for backup. In a single cat home, one litter box may be fine, but if your American Wirehair is sharing his home and his litter box then you may run into trouble. If your American Wirehair is spraying the area around his litter box, leaving urine or poop uncovered in the litter box, or even leaving a mess outside of the litter box then he may be trying to tell you something. He is either not feeling well or he’s trying to tell you to set out another litter box. Don’t forget to talk to your veterinary clinic Chesapeake VA about your cat’s behavior to rule out possible illness.

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