The benefits of having a pet cat always outweigh the dangers that it can impose on a human being. Having a cat can be wonderful but you also have to practice safety to ensure that you won't get Toxoplasmosis and intestinal worms.
Toxoplasmosis is an infection that can cause severe lung or brain disease in a person with weakened immunity. As an extra precaution, pregnant women should refrain from cleaning the litter box or getting near a cat because this infection can be transmitted to them and the effects on the baby can be serious.

While feline roundworms can infect humans, especially children. The eggs from this parasite are excreted in cat faeces and can become infectious to humans. Thus, you must wash your hands thoroughly before cooking and eating. Another prevention is to deworm your cat regularly and make sure that she is free from intestinal worms.
Your veterinarian in New Orleans, LA can enlighten you about important health issues that can affect your pet. Set an appointment here: