Fatty liver disease may be a leading cause of death in cats, but it can also be found in dogs and in particular small dogs like the Havanese. Your vet can also tell you that leading causes for the development of fatty liver disease include malnourishment, cancer, diabetes, pancreatitis, kidney disease and other liver diseases. Your vet will most likely need a thorough history of your dog’s health in order to make a diagnosis. In addition, be prepared to tell your vet of your dog’s symptoms and when you first noticed them. Symptoms may include prolonged anorexia, rapid weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, muscle wasting, depression, yellowing of the eyes, etc. A biochemistry profile and urinalysis may also be conducted in order to determine what the underlying cause of the infected or fatty liver might be. Contact your vets Aurora, CO to learn more or schedule an exam.