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Dealing With Loose Litter

Updated: May 9, 2022

Do you have cats at home? Then you understand that there are issues you may face regarding the proper use of a litter box.

In some instances that cats leave the box after use, they have remnants of litter that they unconsciously spread all over your house. Yes, that is right. As your cat moves around your home after use of the litter box, she spreads the litter through her paws. This litter can damage your floor, especially if it is hardwood.

Can you do something to address this issue? Yes, you can.

  • Change the type of litter you use for your cat’s box. Choose a type that has a coarse texture because it tracks less.

  • Have a dustpan and broom ready beside your feline’s box. These items may come in handy every time your cat finishes up.

Be an attentive owner and ensure that your home is clean and safe for all your family members.

A sudden change in your pet’s elimination habits should warrant an appointment with your animal medical center Lakewood Ranch, FL. Visit the website.


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