Do you have any idea how much water your pet cat should be consuming on a daily basis? Generally, your kitty’s drinking needs can be influenced by the time of year and the environment it is in. For example, more water will be consumed when it's summer or on a warm, humid day. Cats tend to drink a bit less water when the day is damp or cold. Whatever the time of year or environment, your pet kitty should consume enough amounts of water to keep themselves well-hydrated. A cat's recommended daily water intake is around 3.5 ounces to 4.5 ounces of water on a daily basis per 5 pounds of body weight. That means, if for instance, your cat weighs around 12 pounds, it should consume around 8 to11 ounces of water or about one to two cups of water daily. A quick way to check the water consumption of your favorite pet is to monitor the content of its water bowl regularly.
Sudden changes in your pet’s water intake and/or urination habits should be reported to your veterinarian Murrieta, CA. Click this website Vineyard Veterinary Hospital and make an appointment.