Having both dogs and cats in the same household may cause distress to your cats. Cats need a space to get away and relax, and it is the owner’s responsibility to create a particular area for them. This may be called a dog-free zone.
It is common nowadays to have cats and dogs as pets in the same household; however, owners have to provide a space for the cats where dogs are not permitted to enter. This space shall contain all the cat’s needs so that they wouldn’t have to go out to eat or eliminate it, it shall have the cat’s food, water bowl, toys, bed, and litter box inside.
There are many ways to make a cat’s own space in the house. A baby gate is also an option, but the ones with good quality will cost more. Owners often opt to use the cat’s crate since it is less costly, especially when the cat has been crate trained, wherein they are already comfortable staying in the crates as long as they need to be away from the other pets.
A sudden change in your pet’s health and/or behavior should prompt a visit to your veterinary hospital Shreveport LA. Click this website for more details.