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Conjunctivitis in Cats Like the Maine Coon

Conjunctivitis can occur in Maine Coon cats and other feline breeds just like it does in humans. For example, conjunctivitis in cats is typically a viral infection that occurs as a result of herpesvirus (FHV-1) or chlamydophila. Always notify your vet if your cat appears to have something wrong with its eye. Conjunctivitis, if untreated, could lead to additional eye injuries or even vision loss. Symptoms of conjunctivitis in cats include red eyes, discharge, pawing or scratching of the eyes, and possibly puffyness or swelling. Although it is not a painful condition, it is extremely itchy and can leave the eye irritated and red. Treatment most often consists of antibiotic ointments and eye drops, but may also include flushing of the eye, application of cold compress, steroid drops, anti-steroid drops or artificial tear eye drops. It may take several weeks before the eye completely clears up. Contact your professional vets Middletown DE to learn more.

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