Did you know that as many as 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety? Almost a fifth of the population may have anxiety disorders. There are many ways to treat anxiety. A well-rounded treatment plan also involves self-care, such as diet and exercise. However, many people don't realize that chiropractic treatments can also be beneficial in treating anxiety.
Anxiety often manifests in very physical ways, such as muscle tension and stiffness, nausea, and insomnia. These issues tend to exacerbate the anxiety, creating a downward spiral.
Chiropractic care can't treat the source of the anxiety, but it can help get that tension out of the body. This results in improved physical well-being, better sleep, and higher energy levels, which can turn that downward spiral into an upward spiral.
Ask your chiropractor Hilliard, OH for more information on how chiropractic care can help with anxiety. Or click this link: https://www.hilliardchiropractic.com/