You might seek new employment, start going home later compared to the usual, or change shifts. Pet cats could sense changes like these and might get anxious. This is because cats like sticking to a routine and changes could stress them out.
How you can help your pet: If at all possible, gradually ease your pet into the new routine. You can also help your pet go through this transition by ensuring that she can retreat to a spot where she can feel safe. Have a lot of play sessions with your cat whenever you get home.
Overflowing affection
Unfortunately, a lot of cat owners become inadvertent stressors to their pets by showering their pets with overflowing affection. All too frequently, cat owners will want to snuggle with their pets or squeeze them tightly instead of just offering the occasional ear scratches that their pets might prefer.
How you can help your pet: Find out how you can be affectionate to your pet cat in ways that she is comfortable with. Try to make sense of your pet’s body language. Respect your pet’s personal space should she appear anxious. Affection can be shown in various ways without smothering your cat, such as treats and play sessions.
Your veterinarian Tampa, FL is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior.