Animals and people alike often develop joint pain and swelling over time. Cats are no exception. As cats age they may also show signs of pain in the joints or hips and legs. Older cats having trouble getting in and out of their litter box or having a difficult time grooming could be struggling with pain and mobility issues. If this sounds like your cat, give your vet a call to schedule a checkup. There could be numerous answers to your cats pain such as arthritis or even a slight injury. More serious issues could include Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) or Osteoarthritis which is also common older cats. This disease occurs when the cartilage surrounding the muscle joints slowly deteriorates. This can only be diagnosed by a vet. If your cat has mobility issues it does not necessarily mean he has DJD. Always consult with your vets Norwalk, CA for diagnosis and treatment. To know more, visit this website Ashton Animal Hospital.