Your pet rabbit’s teeth will continue growing throughout his lifetime, as with other lagomorphs. And so to prevent their pearly whites from having to grow too long, rabbits need to be chewing on fiber constantly. Unlike rodents that have two incisors along the upper jaw, rabbits have four.
Since rabbits are practically herbivorous, having this type of dental anatomy allows them to chew roughage efficiently. A rabbit’s daily meal ration does consist mostly of roughage from hay and grass, even if there are commercially available rabbit food pellets. Pet rabbits must not be put on a diet that is all-pellet.
Your pet rabbit must also be able to access clean and fresh water, aside from his daily ratio of pallets, vegetables, grass, and hay. Young rabbits also have to be fed alfalfa, while the adult pets can subsist on timothy grass and oat hays. Avoid offering alfalfa to adult rabbits as it has high levels of sugar and protein.
Your veterinarian Pasadena, MD is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.