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Caring For Your Cat After Surgery

A cat that has been through surgery will benefit from proper care and attention to help ensure a successful recovery. Here are some tips for your cat’s surgery aftercare:

● If you are allowed to visit your cat after surgery, do take advantage of the opportunity. Your presence will be beneficial for your cat and even when he’s still under anesthesia or is not feeling well, he will know that you’re around. Use a calm soft voice to talk to your pet and if you’re allowed, stroke him gently to soothe and reassure him. This can help reduce the stress and help increase the chances of recovery.

● Before your cat returns home, it is important to make preparations to provide an environment where your cat can convalesce without being disturbed or subject to stressors. If you have a multi-pet household, allocate a room where your kitty can stay. It should be off-limits to the other pets while the cat is recuperating. If you don’t have room to spare, you can get a large dog cage or pen and keep the cat inside. The pen should be in an area where the occupant won’t be disturbed but won’t feel alone and lonely at the same time.

Call your vet clinic Cherry Hill NJ if you have any concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior.

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