Dogs can be susceptible to Type I and Type II diabetes in much the same way people are. Your vet can tell you that canine diabetes can affect all breeds of dogs including. It’s important to recognize the signs and symptoms of diabetes in your canine companion. Generally, Type I diabetes is when there is a shortage of insulin. Type II diabetes occurs when the body doesn’t know what to do with the insulin it has. Type I and Type II prevent a dog from converting glucose or sugar into energy and instead sends excessive amounts of glucose into the blood stream. When there isn’t enough insulin, the dog’s body will break down fat and protein reserves as alternative energy, which could cause excessive weight loss, increased thirst, increased urination, etc. Please call your pet clinic Pembroke Pines, FL if your dog is showing any of signs of diabetes.
Click this link to learn more: https://www.daviecreekanimalhospital.com/