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Can Pet Birds Be Tethered ?


Are you familiar with tethering when it comes to pet birds? Tethering is an approach wherein the bird is attached to a chain or something similar. Tethering helps keep your pet bird stay in a certain area as well as limit the bird's mobility (he can't escape, for instance). Many people tether their birds (even in some zoos) but it is considered inhumane by many and banned in a variety of countries. In Australia, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals or the RSPCA wildly disputes this practice. Animal welfare entities like RSPCA advise against tethering and order pet owners to provide a comfortable and safe environment for their pets. While your pet bird needs to enjoy activities to keep it healthy mentally and physically, you don't have to tether him to do so.

If you have concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior, contact your vets Crown Point IN.

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