One important thing you should know about hairless cats is they are not hypoallergenic. It may sound ironic, but they aren’t entirely hypoallergenic. They also produce Fel d1, a protein allergen found in their saliva and dander. This can cause allergic reactions to these cats.
Hairless cats only produce small amounts of this protein. Additionally, they shed less or don’t shed at all. Thus, there is a lesser chance they fall on the furniture or carpet. This is good news for some people who are very sensitive.
Regarding environmental temperatures, hairless cats are sensitive to hot and cold weather. During the cold or winter season, make sure to dress your cats, so they could stay comfortable and warm. During summer, make sure your hairless cats are protected from the sun and the hot weather.
Keep them indoors for most parts of the day, and only walk them early in the morning or in the afternoon and evening. Ensure they are properly hydrated as well.
Make an appointment at your veterinary hospital Temecula, CA for your pet’s health and dental checks.