Are dogs able to see colors just like us humans can? Dogs are in fact able to see colors, but they discern colors in a different way than how humans perceive colors. For instance, dogs can make a distinction between the colors orange, red, green, and yellow. Dogs also have the power to make a distinction between shades of blue, gray, as well as violet, some of which cannot be distinguished by most, if not all, humans. Like cats, dogs are a lot better than humans when it comes to seeing in low or dim light, and dogs can also recognize small or minor movements or motion. Dogs also have better (quicker) responses when it comes to images. Part of the secret is that dogs have a considerable amount of what is called color-sensitive cones inside their retina. Having said that, they can't differentiate certain colors that form the middle to long wavelengths of light.
A sudden change in your pet’s health and/or behavior should be brought to the attention of your vet care Fredericksburg TX.