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Can Cats Suffer From Hyperthyroidism ?

Cats, most especially elderly cats, can be affected by hyperthyroidism, a condition that is hormonal in nature. This happens if the animal’s thyroid gland becomes enlarged and subsequently releases excessive hormones. This enlargement in the cat’s thyroid could happen because of a malignant or benign tumor. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism are urine output increase, water intake increase, appetite increase, hyperactivity, and weight loss. If your cat is affected with hyperthyroidism, she will appear unkempt. The diagnosis of the condition will involve physically checking your cat’s neck area if her thyroid is enlarged. Blood tests are also needed to verify hormone levels. Cat hyperthyroidism does have treatments available, like medications that regulate how thyroid hormones are released and surgically removing the thyroid. Radioactive iodine treatment is another one, and it involves a one-time-only injection of a radioactive iodine component that will seek out thyroid tissues that have become abnormal. Every treatment option has its pros and cons.

If your pet has been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, you should talk to your vets Rochester NY about available treatment options.

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