Some cats experience asthma just like many humans do. Asthma is a condition affecting the lungs, specifically the bronchial tubes which abruptly narrow down during an asthma attack. Specific to cats, asthma is called feline eosinophilic bronchitis, feline lower airway disease, or feline allergic bronchitis.
During an asthma attack, the bronchial tubes constrict spasmodically and there's a heightened production of bronchial secretions, and this leads to common asthma signs like coughing, wheezing, or difficulty in breathing. Though not completely understood, asthma is connected to hypersensitivity response by certain experts.
Cats may experience recurring bouts or even frequent coughs, while other cats will experience asthma in a seasonal or even on-and-off manner. Still, other cats might experience a worsening set of symptoms, so it's really very important that you monitor your asthmatic cat closely and work with your vet Acupuncture or the nearest animal clinic to address the issue in an appropriate manner.