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Blowfly Strike In Sheep


Blowfly strike, also known as myiasis, is a huge problem for sheep owners in various sheep-producing areas all over the world. Blowfly strike is such a huge concern that it is considered welfare as well as an economic issue.

Blowfly strike begins when a green bottle fly (the scientific term is Lucilia sericata) lays down eggs on the wounds of the fleece of sheep. When the green bottle fly eggs hatch, the green bottle fly larvae, through its hooked mouth, ejects enzymes that can break down the tissue of the sheep. Once this has been done, secondary flies such as the black blowfly and blue bottle fly attack and are attracted to the area because of the irresistible decaying tissues of the sheep. These secondary flies also lay their eggs in this area. When sheep have been infected, you would notice that they stop grazing as well as feel restless.

A sudden change in your pet’s health and/or behavior should warrant a call to your experienced animal hospital Dahlonega GA.

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