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Black Poop in Cats

A cat’s poop can say a lot about the cat’s health. If the poop is a light to dark brown color and not too soft then the cat’s poop is more than likely healthy. If your cat is straining to poop and the stool comes out hard then he could be constipated. Black poop could signal a diet problem or something worse like internal bleeding. Black poop is usually dark red or bloody poop (but not always). The blood could be from a slight tear in the intestines or digestive tract because of a food that doesn’t agree with the cat. The blood could also be from a more serious problem internally. Notifying your vet of your cat’s poop or stool changes is important. Just because your cat’s poop is the same color as a neighbor’s cat that has pancreatitis does not mean your cat has pancreatitis too. It’s best to let your vets Jacksonville, FL examine your cat and run tests to find a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Schedule an appointment today!

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