Bichon Frises are cheerful and love to get everyone's attention. With their charming personality, they'll surely win anyone's heart— from your family, neighbors, vets, and even groomers. It's true that Bichons are playful and independent, but they are not really the kind of dog who likes to be by themselves all the time. In fact, they are prone to separation anxiety, especially if they're alone for too long. Often, it results in destructive behaviors such as chewing and tearing things. With that, Bichon Frises aren't advisable for people who usually leave the house for too long.
Since Bichon Frises are super smart, every owner must be aware that these dogs need obedience training to have proper manners; pup kindergartens are a great start. These dogs can also learn things very fast— perfect for pup classes. Bichons are also excellent at performing tricks and canine sports.
Make sure that your pet’s preventatives and vaccines are up to date before outdoor excursions. Call your animal hospital Salem, VA for information.