For pet dogs, the usual age when they are taken for neutering would be around 6 to 9 months. If you wish so, a healthy puppy that is around 8 weeks of age can be neutered already as well. Adult dogs can also be neutered, but there could be a slightly elevated postoperative complications risk in overweight or older dogs, and those that have pre-existing health issues.
For pet cats, in general, kittens when at around 8 weeks will be safe for them for spaying or neutering. Animal shelters usually have the surgery performed on the kittens when they are this old so that they have been desexed before being adopted. This is so the pet will not spray urine and also reduce pregnancy chances to zero. It is recommended to have your own pet cat sterilized before she reaches 5 years old. Female cats in heat can be spayed.
It is best to speak to your vet Lakewood Ranch, FL in order to determine the ideal time to have your pet neutered or spayed.