Concerns regarding pet safety when it comes to bedding materials may have caused alternative bedding materials to enter the market with a bang. With wood shavings, aspen looks to be an ideal option and is readily available. Pellet-type and litter-type products have also increased in number and these are ideal with litter boxes or as bedding material. The ideal option for your use will depend on what pet you are keeping as well as what the bedding material or litter is going to be used for. There are hard pellet options that may be better for use with litter boxes of rabbits or ferrets, while the soft pellet types of litter or bedding are ideal for smaller pets such as hamsters that require cage bottom fillers. But even some pellet-type materials can be utilized as bedding or substrate for pet rodents, ideally as a cage lining material with the softer bedding layered on top.
There are other alternatives like pellets that are paper-based and also fluff such as Carefresh Ultra, which is a bedding that is absorbent and holds well together so that the wet portion can be scooped out easily. Then there are also litters that are made of various organic materials like maple or cherry wood, aspen bark or wood, by-products of grain, or wood pulp fiber. Some other bedding material is made of paper strips because they are soft, however not really that absorbent. One other frequently overlooked option is pellets made of alfalfa. These are fairly absorbent and relatively cheap. A lot of other options are out there and many of them pose little to no danger to your pet over wood shavings.
Your vet Aurora, CO is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior.