It is suggested that you follow structured feeding schedules for your pet puppy. Talk to your veterinarian during an appointment about their recommendations to ensure that your pet puppy is fed properly. Typically, puppies are fed on a schedule like this:
●At 6 to 16 weeks of age: 3 to 4 feedings a day (4 feedings only for the smaller breeds
●At 3 to 6 months: 2 to 4 feedings a day
●At 6 to 12 months: 2 feedings a day
The recommendation here is to not share your table food with your pet puppy. Your pet puppy will often try and beg for your food if he sees you eating, and you might be tempted to offer him a small bit. Yes, most of the food people eat might be safe for your pet, but this habit can be difficult to stop because your pet will start thinking that he should always share some of your food.
The ideal thing to do is to stay on a puppy diet plan that sticks to a set feeding schedule. Start training your pet early on how he should behave while humans are eating. This might involve having your pet stay inside his crate or outside the dining area/kitchen until he learns how to properly behave.
Your pet’s diet is one of the important concerns that you should discuss with your local veterinarian Murrieta, CA during your pet's health and wellness checks.