Yes, peas are a safe food for your pet dog to eat so long as they are offered in moderation. Most dog food items do use peas as a healthy filler component. There are numerous pea varieties and each one is a healthy food item to feed your pet. There are snap peas, green peas, garden peas, split peas, and snow peas. These are protein-rich, have high levels of vitamins and fiber, and supplement pet food well.
Nutrients present in peas aid in boosting the immune system functionality and also control arthritis symptoms. Peas have anti-inflammation properties and are a good source of antioxidants like alpha and also beta-carotene. These can help in slowing down your dog’s aging. Peas are rich in fiber that improves bowel movement and prevents constipation. Potassium, phosphorus, vitamin B, and vitamin K are also present in peas, polyphenol as well, and it is said to have cancer-fighting properties. Among the various pea types, the shelled garden pea is the one with the most calories at the same time very rich in nutrients.
Your pet’s diet is one of the important concerns that you should discuss with your veterinarian Middletown, DE during your pet’s health and wellness checks.