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Are Cats Like the Balinese at Risk for FeLV ?

The FeLV virus is also referred to as the Feline Leukemia Virus and its found only in cats like the Balinese and other breeds. The virus cannot spread to people, canines or other non-feline pets. FeLV affects all breeds of cat including the Balinese cats. FeLV can cause anemia and lymphoma and is the second largest cause of death among cats. The risk of contracting FeLV is very low for indoor cats. However, if you have a multi-cat home the risk increases especially within the cats that share the same water and food bowls or even litter boxes. Senior cats are also more susceptible to the virus because of their age and inability to fight off illness. Outdoor cats are more susceptible to the virus. One of the best ways to protect your cat is to have her vaccinated. Call your veterinary clinic Wake Forest NC to schedule an appointment.

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