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Are Belgian Malinois And German Shepherd Dogs The Same Breed?


Oftentimes, people mistake Belgian Malinoises for German Shepherds or GSD, not knowing that they have different temperaments and body structures. Malinoises appear smaller with their lighter bones. Standing with the weight on the toes, Malinoises appear to have a square body. Meanwhile, GSDs have a long and sloping back, which puts most of the weight on the feet.

Malinoises' coats may be fawn, brown, or red, while the tips of the hairs are black. GSD, on the other hand, is tan with black saddles. While the heads of Malinoises are more refined and chiseled, GSDs have smaller heads and triangular ears.

Most people think Malinoises are more alert and respond quicker than GSDs. They are also so sensitive and won't feel great with harsh training. Although dome Malinois dogs are assertive and nice, others can be reserved and shy. But overall, they aren't likely to be afraid or aggressive.

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