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Are All Dogs At Risk for Heartworm Disease?

Yes, all dogs are at risk for contracting heartworms. Even if you think you live in an area with few mosquitoes and believe the risk is low, you should still take all preventative action to protect your dog. Heartworm disease has been diagnosed in all 50 states of the U.S. and across most provinces of Canada. It is a very real and present threat. Heartworms are capable of invading the heart, lungs and blood vessels of your dog. The disease is transmitted through mosquitoes. Once a dog gets heartworms, he will need to undergo immediate and aggressive treatment. Heartworms can still leave an impact on the heart, lungs and other organs even after the worms are killed off. In order to protect your dog, you need to have your dog on a monthly heartworm prevention medication. Monthly prevention meds can keep your dog safe. These are prescription required so contact your vets Coral Springs, FL today. Read more here.

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