Did you know that our canine companions can suffer from anxiety, just as people can? Dogs are very emotional, and can be affected by things like stress, fear, depression, and phobias.
Separation anxiety is one of the more common types of anxiety in dogs. Dogs are naturally inclined to run in packs, just as their ancestors, the wolves, do. That means they often get a bit nervous when left alone or separated from their packs. This type of anxiety is quite common in shelter dogs. That makes sense, sadly, because many of them have been abandoned by or separated from previous owners.
If your pet has separation anxiety, he may act up when left alone. For example, you might come home to find your trash strewn around or your sofa cushion destroyed. Other signs include pacing, barking, whining, soiling inappropriately, and pica.
If you think that your dog has anxiety, contact your vet clinic Coral Springs, FL for tips on helping your pet cope. In severe cases, medication may be helpful.