Several veterinary procedures need to be achieved by placing a pet under anesthesia. Different indications vary depending on the needs of your pet. First, your pet will need to go under anesthesia if the procedure to be done will cause an immeasurable amount of pain. Pets will also need anesthesia if the procedure requires them to be immobilized. Placing an animal patient under anesthesia can also help lessen the amount of time needed to accomplish the procedure. Veterinarians will also put your pet under anesthesia during a procedure to protect their airways. Certain medical procedures require long hours of operation to finish to avoid unnecessary complications, thus your pet needs to be placed on general anesthesia. There are also some cases where sedation, local anesthesia, and regional anesthesia are not suited for the procedure to be done, hence the use of general anesthesia. Lastly, general anesthesia will regulate severe seizures.
Possible side effects of general anesthesia in pets include drug reactions, respiratory depression, hypothermia, heart arrhythmias, and low blood pressure. If you have any concerns about the use of anesthesia in your pet, talk to your vets San Diego, CA.