Have you ever looked at or inspected the tongue of your beloved cat? Cat's tongue is vastly different from the tongue of dogs or humans. The cat's tongue has a variety of key functions and it is considered a specifically designed organ. The following are just some of the fascinating facts about the tongue of cats:
● The tongue of cats only has a few taste buds. Hence they are not that good at determining flavors and there are no taste buds for sugar and salt.
● The tongue of cats is filled with barbs which make it look rough and sandpaper-like. The keratin-filled structure is called filiform papillae. The barbs in the tongue aid in the movement of food towards the throat and esophagus.
● The barbs in the tongue of cats are also great as a grooming tool. The barbs can catch debris as well as loose hair when the cat licks its own hair coat.
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