Allergies found in dogs usually appear in the form of a variety of skin problems, but there are indeed symptoms that are digestive and respiratory in nature. Whenever a dog that's hypersensitive gets exposed to a specific allergen, the immune system of the dog will kick in as it recognizes the allergen as a threat or intruder to the body, and this, in turn, leads to a variety of allergy symptoms. During this time, chemicals (histamines) are let out as a byproduct of antibodies that flood the system. What follows next is the manifestation of inflammation, which may appear in the form of hives, swelling, redness, itchiness, rashes, or hot spots. Sometimes, the dog would also have a runny nose, cough, or eye discharge. Allergies can be seasonal in nature and it could come as a result of ingesting pet food with a specific allergy-causing ingredient, an airborne allergen, or a flea bite.
Work closely with your veterinarian Louisville, KY in managing your pet’s allergies and minimizing or altogether preventing future flare-ups.
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