Dogs and cats typically get along well when living in the same house. But there are times when these pets exhibit aggression towards each other.
The following tips will help your pets get along much better:
Neutered and spayed pets mingle well with others.
Cats should have a dedicated "retreat" place which is helpful when he wants some ‘me time’. Cats are sensitive and get overwhelmed by dogs that are too playful or when there’s is a dominant cat around. Many cats like to stay in elevated spots to stay out of reach of other pets, especially dogs.
The cat's litter box, as well as the water and food bowls, should not be accessible to dogs.
Keep your pets in separate rooms or areas if you're leaving your house.
Make sure you interact with your pets individually on a regular basis.
Consult with your veterinarian Cy-Fair if you have any concerns or queries regarding your pet’s behavior.