Adopting a cat with special needs is an honorable undertaking indeed. You can opening your home and your heart to giving the cat another chance at life. However, before adopting one, you should be fully aware that caring for a cat with special needs can be a challenge, but absolutely rewarding. Although these cats have certain limitations, their bodies are quick to compensate for the ‘handicap’, and they won’t really feel that they are lacking something. They can still be as active, playful, and affectionate like normal cats do.
Being well-informed about the cat’s condition, requirements, limitations, and maintenance needs can make you better prepared at meeting your pet’s needs. If you’re adopting a blind cat, you should be aware that his inability to see has made his sense of hearing and smelling have compensated to be more sensitive. They are able to know where things are using their sense of smell. A blind cat can easily learn the layout of his immediate environment, including the location of his food and water bowls, litter boxes, bed, toys, etc. Major renovations and re-arrangement of furniture are not recommended because it can only confuse your cat.
You should also find time to meet with a veterinarian Rochester, NY to discuss your cat’s special needs and medications, if necessary.