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A Tip To Help Your Dog Live Longer: Maintain Proper Weight

Dogs in good shape are more likely to live longer than dogs with excessive weight. If you want your dog to live longer, you should monitor your dog's weight.

If you think that your dog is obese, you should manage his weight now. He may love receiving treats from you, but it doesn't mean that you can feed your dog anytime he wants. When you prepare food for your dog, make sure that you give him healthy foods. When you manage your dog's diet well, your dog is not prone to obesity and its resulting risk for diseases. Therefore, you can expect them to live longer.

Routine walks in the morning aren't enough exercise for your dog. You should also engage your dog with challenging activities to keep the heart upbeat. Here are some exercises that you can give to your dog:



●Active games like tug-of-war

Work with your veterinarian Kerrville TX in creating a weight loss program for your pet. Visit the website.

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