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How Cats Achieve Scent Marking

You'll find two kinds of glands on your feline friend. There are the sebaceous glands that operate in connection with hair follicles. And then there are the sweat glands which are pretty self-explanatory. These sebaceous glands secrete this oily substance that helps keep the skin supple.

The bigger sebaceous glands are on the tail, scrotum, lips, eyelids, and the chin. These glands are the source of that unique scent that cats use to mark territories. Have you ever wondered why your feline pet likes to rub its body on you? It's not just to show affection. It does that do mark you with its scent.

If your cat has a favorite item in the house for scent marking, take a closer look at the object. If you see dark patches that look like grease -- those are from your animal's sebaceous glands. You can clean them off if you want, but know that your cat will be back to mark it again.

If you have concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with a veterinary clinic Rochester NY.


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