Even if both cats and ferrets are carnivorous animals, each has varying nutritional requirements. Regarding pet treats, you will have to exercise caution. Kitty treats can be offered to your pet ferret, but not too often.
Cat treats that are of poor quality are often manufactured with low levels of fat and protein, which are the main components of your pet ferret’s diet. These types of kitty treat also frequently incorporate corn and rice in their formulation, which are food items that you will not want to feed your pet ferret. Your pet ferret can determine if the treat does not have enough animal-based protein and is of poor quality, so it may not want to consume it at all.
If cat treats are being considered as possible food items for a pet ferret, read through the ingredients list. Ensure that they list enough levels of fat and protein and that their fiber content is low. It is important as well that there must not be any grain ingredients used in the product.
Possible healthy treats to offer your pet ferret are eggs, meat, raw vegetables or fruit ( less than one teaspoon per day), or pieces of liver that are semi-moist or meat snacks. You can opt for these over cat treats. Ensure that the prepackaged treats that you purchase have a low carbohydrate content and do not feed your pet ferret too much of them.
Your pet’s diet is one of the important concerns that you should discuss with your vet Chesapeake, VA during your pet’s wellness checks.